t owalk thec ity

t owalk thec ity

  • Plywood, sticker on glass, large drawing on fabric with 2-axis plotter and marker
  • In collaboration with Lucas Jaspar Kalmus
  • Exhibition: How to Situate Spaces of Uncertainty Circa 106 Bremen
  • March 2020

To walk is to give yourself access to a full experience of the path which leads through the place that is located on a three dimensional globe. To orientate in three dimensional space is to constantly relate form and size that changes subjectively with ever step. To walk is to perform patterns of movement and to constantly recur branches of urban structure which become patterns. Constant movement forms patterns that build your experience and feed the contemporary cloud through your associated device. To process huge amounts of meta information with A.I. can be used to antagonize the natural vanishing of traces in space, anonymity of personal movement dynamics and the disappearance temporal patterns.

t owalk thec ity invites you to recreate momentary perspectives of the artists in your own three dimensional experience. In a digital drawing on a continuous fabric sourced from cloud based metadata about individual dynamics in the urban fabric during two years time you are invited to learn about the aesthetics of visualizing such information.